Fees & FAQs
How much do I have to pay to be seen?
Telehealth and face-to-face consultations are provided. In most cases an initial Telehealth consultation is undertaken for history taking, to determine investigations and commence management. This is part of our Covid Safe Practice to reduce numbers of people in the waiting room and face-to-face time. The fee for a consultation depends on whether it is an initial appointment or review appointment, and whether any in-room procedures are performed. Consultation fees and flexible nasoendoscopy fees are listed below. If you hold a valid Medicare Card, you will be eligible for a Medicare rebate. Your rebate can be processed on the day of your visit providing you have your Medicare Card with you. There are discounted rates for Pension Card holders.
* $10 for every flexible nasendoscopy performed in rooms is donated to Head & Neck Cancer Australia, formerly Beyond Five,
providing long term support for people who have had head & neck cancer
When do I have to pay for my visit?
You will need to pay on the day of your visit. We use an online system to support environmental sustainability. We prefer credit card or debit card payments. We don't take direct payments by EFTPOS but you can pay by Direct Debit by completing our Direct Debit Form on the day or in advance. You will need to have your Bank Account Details handy. No payment surcharges are billed.
I am a Pensioner, do I receive a discount?
Yes, if you hold a valid pension card you are eligible for a discounted fee. If you have a healthcare card, a discounted fee will be considered but we do not bulk bill.
Will my insurance cover my visit?
Private Health Insurance (PHI) only covers medical services that are provided when you are an inpatient in a hospital or other medical facility. Consultation fees and in-room procedures are not covered by PHI. If you have Medicare Card you will be eligible for the Medicare Rebate
I don't have health insurance, can I still be seen?
Yes, you do not need insurance for a consultation. If you need surgery and do not have PHI, direct placement onto the elective surgical waiting list for Monash Health, including Monash Children's, can be arranged.
Do I need a referral to be seen?
You can be seen without a referral but to be eligible for your Medicare rebate a valid referral is essential. Not having a referral may also impact on receiving rebates for inpatient services from both Medicare and PHI.
What fees are billed for surgery?
Fees for surgery are calculated on an individual basis. These are determined by what your problem is and what surgery is required. Out of pocket costs vary depending on your PHI, the level of cover you have with your insurer, what your insurer will cover and where you choose to have your surgery. An individualised estimate is provided after assessment and a plan for surgery has been agreed.
Hospital costs, PHI excesses, anaesthetic costs and any costs for special equipment or prosthesis will also influence out of pocket expenses.
What is a nasoendoscopy?
A flexible nasoendoscopy allows for the inside of your nose, the back of your nose, your throat and voice box to be examined properly. This is an essential part of your examination for many nose, throat and some ear problems.
A nasoendscope is a fine flexible camera that is passed through the nose. The procedure is done in the rooms and is performed using a quick acting local anaesthetic spray. The local anaesthetic takes about 20 minutes to wear off. It is not painful. On occasion there may be some discomfort.
What is head and neck cancer?
Head and neck cancer is any cancer that affecting the upper aerodigestive tract which includes the nose, sinuses, mouth, throat, and voice box. The most common is squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The head and neck region can also be affected by cancers from thr thyroid gland, salivary glands or skin of the head and neck area. Sometimes cancers from other areas of the body may spread to the head and neck region, though this is uncommon.